deciding our
• Best Large Festival
• Best Medium-Sized Festival
• Best Small Festival
• Best Micro Festival
• Best Metropolitan Festival
• Best New Festival
• The Grassroots Festival Award
• Best Family Festival
• Best Non-Music Festival
To determine the shortlist for these awards, fans vote online for their favourite festival, votes are then weighted according to audience size.
• The UK Greener Festival Award
The Greener Festival Award is judged based upon detailed site assessments and analysis from A Greener Festival.
Awards decided by a festival industry panel:
• The Innovation Award
• Best Festival Production
• The Brand Activation Award
• Promoter of the Year
• Transport Impact Innovators Award
• Best Initiative for Emerging Talent
• Line-Up of the Year
• Marketing Campaign of the Year
• The Community Impact Award
• The Festivals' Favourite Agent Award

For these more specialised categories, we assemble panels of 20 industry judges who read and pre-score all entry forms, considering any supporting materials submitted. Judges give a score for each award application, which is then combined to give an overall score for each entry. All judges’ pre-scores will then be combined and the highest scoring entries to determine the shortlists.
For all awards, scoring is conducted online without any reference to other scorers and based solely on the submission of the entrant. This ensures that the scores are unbiased and judges are not swayed by the opinions of other panel members. Judges are also asked to absent themselves from any discussions where they have a vested interest.
Shortlists will be announced via email and our website and social media on October 24 2024. Panel judges then collectively determine the winner, which will be announced at the UK Festival Awards on the evening of December 3rd 2024.